HALTON Conservative Parliamentary Candidate Ben Jones has briefed Shadow Transport Minister Stephen Hammond on the Mersey Gateway Project.
The would-be MP reiterated his support for the project and gave Mr Hammond a full briefing on the project’s transport and regeneration opportunities.
Afterwards he said: “The Mersey Gateway project is a vitally important transport and regeneration project for my constituency and the North West region.
“It will help to alleviate traffic congestion, support local businesses to be more competitive, act as a catalyst for regeneration throughout the area, and create new jobs. This much-needed and long overdue development is welcomed by local people and those across the political spectrum.”
He continued: “This is more than a bridge – it has the potential to be a catalyst that will connect communities and lead regeneration and investment throughout Halton and the North West.”
He added: “It is a testament to the commitment of the Conservative Party to the project and the North West that Stephen made the time to talk in detail about this issue.”
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