I have sent the following letter to the Widnes and Runcorn Weekly News in response to the letter from Bill Woolfall;
I read local Labour Party Chair Bill Woolfall’s letter in last week’s Weekly News with interest.
Mr Woolfall, like many of his Labour Party colleagues, appears to wish to talk about the 1980’s and 1990’s rather than the current government’s record since 1997 and the real choice that is being offered to the electorate. I understand why the Labour Party wishes to fight the 1997 election again, but unfortunately for them we are about to fight the 2010 election.
I believe that all of us campaigning in 2010 owe it to the voters to be up front about the choices we are offering and not try to frighten them with false threats and artificial dividing lines. We should be talking about how we tackle our £178 billion debt crisis, how we deliver a credible plan for growth and jobs, and how we properly support our troops and their families. That is what the Conservatives will be talking about between now and the election; not who did what twenty years ago.
I urge the people of Halton to use their vote on Election Day to give Halton and the country the change it desperately needs.
Yours sincerely,
Ben Jones
Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Halton
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