I have sent the following letter to the Widnes and Runcorn Weekly News in response to their front page story this week (see entry from Thursday 25th February);
Last week’s lead story in the Weekly News proves a point; Labour will stop at nothing to get re-elected.
Labour MP, Phil Woolas’ comments about the Mersey Gateway being at risk if my party gets into government are very wide of the mark. My colleague, Bob Neill MP, summed it up perfectly when he said “Phil Woolas is talking rubbish. Labour’s regional planning quangos don’t build anything, but just add another layer of planning red tape.”
Last week’s story was well-timed. It came in the same edition of the Weekly News that I wrote; “I believe that all of us campaigning in 2010 owe it to the voters to be up front about the choices we are offering and not try to frighten them with false threats and artificial dividing lines.” I am disappointed the Labour Party does not agree.
I am proud of my support for the Mersey Gateway project since my selection in Halton in November 2008. I will continue to fight for it during the election campaign and beyond.
In this forthcoming election, I urge the people of Halton to listen to what candidates and parties are actually saying and doing, not to listen to desperate spin. I urge them to use their vote on Election Day to give Halton and the country the change it desperately needs.
Yours sincerely,
Ben Jones
Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Halton
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