I really liked recent comments by Nicky Morgan MP about the need for the Tories to be more positive in its language. It is a coincidence that I have been saying this for some time- honestly!
Elections in Britain are won in the centre ground. The people who win elections are not tribal. They sometimes vote Conservative. They sometimes vote Labour. They sometimes vote Lib Dem. They sometimes vote for someone else. But whoever they vote for gives them a positive reason to vote. If British electoral history tells us anything it tells us that these key voters need to be inspired.
Parties of all colours have captured this crucial vote election after election by offering a positive message- something that could make the lives of them and their loved ones better. The NHS, a welfare state, the white heat of technology, owning your own home, keeping more of your own money, a country at ease with itself, things can only get better, more money for better public services, fairness for all, the list goes on. All of these ideas have been positive ideas of what government can do to make life better.
Granted it has been a tough few years to be positive but if this government wants to be re-elected in one form or another it needs to find a positive voice- it needs to give people a reason to move off the sofa on election night or make a detour on their daily journey to vote. The same is true of Labour. Give the people something to shout about; something to get excited about, something to get behind. Be positive or be in opposition.
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