Thursday, 29 April 2010
Questions for the Halton candidates; #3
Each week until polling day, the Widnes and Runcorn Weekly News is asking readers to submit a question for all of the candidates to answer. The third question was "Under-age drinking and anti-social behaviour are widely perceived as problems in Halton. What steps would you suggest to address these issues?". My answer is below;
There is no doubt that these are major problems in Halton. I’ve seen that first-hand going out on patrol with Cheshire Police, and also talking with local residents who lives are blighted by anti-social behaviour. Labour has failed us in this area; whether through their lax licensing laws, or their approach to criminal justice, which has created plenty more laws but not any greater order.
These problems are symptoms of the broken society we need to tackle in Britain. To do this we need a “big society”, where change is led by people not the state. We need to back families and encourage responsibility. We don’t want a return to the old days where every pub shut at 11pm, but we need greater powers to tackle the under-age and binge-drinking that plague Widnes and Runcorn. We will overhaul the Licensing Act to give Halton Borough Council and Cheshire Police much stronger powers to remove licences from any premises that are causing problems, and we will raise taxes on drinks linked to anti-social drinking. A Conservative government will also scrap the bureaucracy that keeps police officers behind their desks when they should be on our streets fighting crime and challenging trouble-makers.
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Hope or fear; the choice at this election
I have sent the following letter to local newspapers in Halton;
We are now just over a week until Election Day and nearing the end of the leader’s television debates.
The country faces a clear choice on 6th May; five more years of Gordon Brown, or change with David Cameron and the Conservatives. It is also a choice between hope and fear.
Labour’s strategy in this election has been to frighten people, especially pensioners, with lies about what the Conservatives would do if elected. I have seen these Labour leaflets in Halton with local Councillor’s names attached to them. They, and Gordon Brown, should be ashamed. Elections should be about ideas, values and honest choices; not lies, fears and false dividing lines.
Let me deal directly with the Labour lies being peddled in Halton and across the country. A Conservative government will not abolish the pensioner bus pass, winter fuel allowance, pension credit, free TV licences or Sure Start. We would keep them all and build on them. We would also increase the basic state pension (restoring the link with earnings), provide 4,200 extra health visitors, and increase spending in the NHS each year (unlike Labour).
In this campaign we have been offering a positive plan for the future of Britain, including more support for pensioners. We believe this is a great country with our best days ahead of us. We believe that together we can change our country for the better. We do not believe in frightening people; we believe in giving them hope for the future.
We want to give Halton and Britain the change it desperately needs. We want the country to come together to deliver that change. You can help by voting Conservative on 6th May.
We are now just over a week until Election Day and nearing the end of the leader’s television debates.
The country faces a clear choice on 6th May; five more years of Gordon Brown, or change with David Cameron and the Conservatives. It is also a choice between hope and fear.
Labour’s strategy in this election has been to frighten people, especially pensioners, with lies about what the Conservatives would do if elected. I have seen these Labour leaflets in Halton with local Councillor’s names attached to them. They, and Gordon Brown, should be ashamed. Elections should be about ideas, values and honest choices; not lies, fears and false dividing lines.
Let me deal directly with the Labour lies being peddled in Halton and across the country. A Conservative government will not abolish the pensioner bus pass, winter fuel allowance, pension credit, free TV licences or Sure Start. We would keep them all and build on them. We would also increase the basic state pension (restoring the link with earnings), provide 4,200 extra health visitors, and increase spending in the NHS each year (unlike Labour).
In this campaign we have been offering a positive plan for the future of Britain, including more support for pensioners. We believe this is a great country with our best days ahead of us. We believe that together we can change our country for the better. We do not believe in frightening people; we believe in giving them hope for the future.
We want to give Halton and Britain the change it desperately needs. We want the country to come together to deliver that change. You can help by voting Conservative on 6th May.
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Letter in the Widnes and Runcorn Weekly News
The following letter was published in this week's Widnes and Runcorn Weekly News;
Michael Loftus’ letter in last week’s Weekly News caught my eye. He invited readers to pay attention to the detail of Conservative plans and “make your own mind up”. We welcome the opportunity to spell out what a Conservative government will mean for our great country as we approach 6th May. We are inviting the British people to come together to change our country.
Last week, we launched our election manifesto which is an invitation to the British people to:
• be your own boss
• sack your MP
• run your own school
• own your own home
• veto council tax rises
• vote for your police
• save your local pub or post office.
Our manifesto set out our plans to change Britain:
• Our school reform plan will raise standards and improve discipline.
• Our welfare reform plan will make sure that everyone who can work does work.
• Strong families are the bedrock of a strong society, so we are setting out plans to help make Britain the most family-friendly country in Europe.
• We will cut government waste to stop Labour’s jobs tax, which will kill the recovery.
• It reaffirms our support for the NHS.
• It includes the boldest and most ambitious set of green measures ever put before the electorate by a mainstream party.
Our manifesto brings together all the work we have done over the last five years as we have changed into a modern, progressive Conservative Party. The central idea is that we’re all in this together, that working together we can change our country for the better. We are saying that no government on its own can solve the big problems we face- everyone is going to have to get involved- in Halton and across Britain. That’s why we’ve called it “Invitation to join the Government of Britain”.
We want to give Halton and Britain the change it desperately needs. We want the country to come together to deliver that change. You can help by voting Conservative on 6th May.
Yours sincerely,
Ben Jones
Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Halton
Questions for the Halton candidates; #2
Each week until polling day, the Widnes and Runcorn Weekly News is asking readers to submit a question for all of the candidates to answer. The second question was "Do you feel the Mersey Gateway project is the answer to the area's road problems and do you think the introduction of tolls is the best way forward?" My answer is below;
Since becoming the Conservative candidate in November 2008, I have given 100% support to the Mersey Gateway project. It is a vitally important transport and regeneration project for Halton and the North West. It will help alleviate traffic congestion, support local businesses to be more competitive, act as a catalyst for regeneration throughout the area, and create new jobs. I have lobbied hard with key parties, including Shadow Transport Minister Stephen Hammond MP, to ensure the project is approved.
The Mersey Gateway project would make a huge contribution to answering our road problems, but is not the whole story. I would like to see further investment to re-open the Halton Curve and establish better rail links to other key locations, including Liverpool airport.
In relation to tolls, we need to be straight with people. Without tolling there will be no bridge. In order to toll the new bridge, we need to toll the existing bridge otherwise the it will not be used, and will not deliver the benefits we know it can. I know tolling is difficult to accept, that’s why my focus is on getting a fair deal for local residents and businesses, securing the maximum possible discounts.
Widnes and Runcorn Weekly News; Shadow Health Minister visits Widnes Shopping Park with NHS Yes van
THE Conservative General Election candidate for Halton has told voters the NHS is his party’s top priority.
Ben Jones made the comments while accompanying shadow health minister Stephen O’Brien on the campaign trail in Widnes Shopping Park last Friday.
They were accompanied by the Conservative’s ‘NH-Yes’ van, which is touring the region. Mr O’Brien was in Widnes to lend his support to Mr Jones’s bid to unseat Labour incumbent Derek Twigg and to emphasise their party’s commitment to the NHS.
Mr Jones said: “The NHS is the Conservative party’s number one priority. My family and I have relied heavily on the NHS over the last 15 years and owe it so much.
“I am proud of the people who work in the NHS throughout Halton and the country. I am extremely proud, too, that David Cameron has made the Conservative Party the party of the NHS.
He added: “As we enter the last three weeks of the campaign, I believe we need new energy and fresh ideas to get Halton and the country moving, including supporting our fantastic NHS.”
Widnes and Runcorn Weekly News; Shadow Foreign Secretary William Hague addresses business leaders at the Heath Business and Technical Park in Runcorn
THE SHADOW foreign secretary has lauded a Runcorn science hub as an ‘inspiring story’ during a trip to the town.
Having toured the Heath Business and Technical Park (BTP), former Conservative leader William Hague gave a speech to a packed lecture theatre and spoke to the site’s directors about their expansion plans. SOG Ltd, owner and operator of the park, revealed that the company intends to add 180,000 sq ft of offices to the 60-acre site, and boost the workforce from 2,000 to 3,000 within the next five years.
It also wants to use the Heath as a blueprint for regenerating sites around the country. Mr Hague, who will be responsible for promoting UK interests overseas if the Conservatives triumph in the General Election, follows a list of political heavyweights to pass through the park, including Tony Blair, Ken Clarke, Gordon Brown, business minister Ian Pearson, science minister Lord Drayson and former ministers Lord Heseltine and Lord Sainsbury.
Mr Hague said: “I think it really is an inspiring story of how businesses can be developed and how science and skills can be kept together.
“It’s one I certainly did not know enough about. Now I want to make sure that George Osborne and Ken Clarke hear about what you have done here and told me about this morning.
“You have done all of this in a way that provides great employment and use of skills here in the North West without Government subsidies – in fact you have been subsiding the Government for the past 10 years.
“You are paying into the economy rather than taking out of it and that really is a model that we have to follow in other areas in the future.
“I hope a lot can be learned from what you have been achieving. I’m sure it can be and, if we are in Government, we will want to encourage that.”
Halton Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate Ben Jones added: “It was great to welcome William to Runcorn to see how businesses are innovating to create jobs and prosperity in our community.
“This is the sort of enterprise which will help us to build on the recovery and take our economy forward.
“The Heath’s success has been built not on Government money, but on local business leaders’ ambition, vision, and ingenuity. It’s been a truly inspiring success.”
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
William Hague in Halton
It was great to be joined today in Halton by Shadow Foreign Secretary, William Hague. Together, we visited The Heath Business and Technical Park in Runcorn, along with our fantastic Parliamentary Candidate in Weaver Vale, Graham Evans.
We were given a tour of the facilities with the Directors of SOG Ltd- owner and operator of The Heath- including Dr Peter Cook and John Lewis. We met a number of businesses based on The Heath and then William made a short speech (without notes and with great humour) before taking questions from the assembled audience of local business people and students from local schools and colleges.
It was inspiring to see how local businesses are innovating to create jobs and prosperity for our local community. This is this sort of enterprise which will help us to build on the recovery and take our economy forward after the recession. The success of The Heath has been built not on government money, but on local business leader’s ambition, vision, and ingenuity; transforming the old ICI plant into a thriving science and technology park.
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Questions for the Halton candidates; #1
Each week until polling day, the Widnes and Runcorn Weekly News is asking readers to submit a question for all of the candidates to answer. The first question was "Why should the electorate vote for you?". My answer is below;
I believe this is the most important election in a generation. The country has a clear choice between five more years of Gordon Brown and his failing government, or change and a fresh start with David Cameron and the Conservatives.
If elected, I promise to make the people of Widnes, Runcorn and Hale Village my top priority. I promise to be a different type of MP, bringing energy and fresh ideas. I promise to give you a strong voice in Westminster; not my Party a strong voice in Halton.
I have lived most of my 31 years locally, in Rainhill and St Helens. I went to local state schools before becoming the first person in my family to go to University.
I want to make a contribution to my country; that's why I work in the public sector and am a school governor. I have shown commitment to you since my selection in November 2008, working hard on local issues, including giving 100% support to the Mersey Gateway project.
I believe passionately that Halton and Britain needs change. We need a fresh start and new direction. Together, your vote and my hard work, can deliver change for our great country.
Letter sent to Widnes and Runcorn Weekly News on Conservative plans for Britain
I sent the following letter to the Weekly News today;
Michael Loftus’ letter in last week’s Weekly News caught my eye. He invited readers to pay attention to the detail of Conservative plans and “make your own mind up”. We welcome the opportunity to spell out what a Conservative government will mean for our great country as we approach 6th May. We are inviting the British people to come together to change our country.
Last week, we launched our election manifesto which is an invitation to the British people to:
- be your own boss
- sack your MP
- run your own school
- own your own home
- veto council tax rises
- vote for your police
- save your local pub or post office.
Our manifesto set out our plans to change Britain:
- Our school reform plan will raise standards and improve discipline.
- Our welfare reform plan will make sure that everyone who can work does work.
- Strong families are the bedrock of a strong society, so we are setting out plans to help make Britain the most family-friendly country in Europe.
- We will cut government waste to stop Labour’s jobs tax, which will kill the recovery.
- It reaffirms our support for the NHS.
- It includes the boldest and most ambitious set of green measures ever put before the electorate by a mainstream party.
Our manifesto brings together all the work we have done over the last five years as we have changed into a modern, progressive Conservative Party. The central idea is that we’re all in this together, that working together we can change our country for the better. We are saying that no government on its own can solve the big problems we face- everyone is going to have to get involved- in Halton and across Britain. That’s why we’ve called it “Invitation to join the Government of Britain”.
We want to give Halton and Britain the change it desperately needs. We want the country to come together to deliver that change. You can help by voting Conservative on 6th May.
Yours sincerely,
Ben Jones
Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Halton
Michael Loftus’ letter in last week’s Weekly News caught my eye. He invited readers to pay attention to the detail of Conservative plans and “make your own mind up”. We welcome the opportunity to spell out what a Conservative government will mean for our great country as we approach 6th May. We are inviting the British people to come together to change our country.
Last week, we launched our election manifesto which is an invitation to the British people to:
- be your own boss
- sack your MP
- run your own school
- own your own home
- veto council tax rises
- vote for your police
- save your local pub or post office.
Our manifesto set out our plans to change Britain:
- Our school reform plan will raise standards and improve discipline.
- Our welfare reform plan will make sure that everyone who can work does work.
- Strong families are the bedrock of a strong society, so we are setting out plans to help make Britain the most family-friendly country in Europe.
- We will cut government waste to stop Labour’s jobs tax, which will kill the recovery.
- It reaffirms our support for the NHS.
- It includes the boldest and most ambitious set of green measures ever put before the electorate by a mainstream party.
Our manifesto brings together all the work we have done over the last five years as we have changed into a modern, progressive Conservative Party. The central idea is that we’re all in this together, that working together we can change our country for the better. We are saying that no government on its own can solve the big problems we face- everyone is going to have to get involved- in Halton and across Britain. That’s why we’ve called it “Invitation to join the Government of Britain”.
We want to give Halton and Britain the change it desperately needs. We want the country to come together to deliver that change. You can help by voting Conservative on 6th May.
Yours sincerely,
Ben Jones
Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Halton
BBC website covers Mersey Gateway and quotes me
Mersey Gateway pledge by Labour pre-election
The bridge will be 1km (0.6 miles) in length across the River Mersey
The transport secretary has confirmed the government will pass the Mersey Gateway project if Labour remains in power after the general election.
Lord Adonis detailed his approval in a letter to Labour candidate Derek Twigg.
The planned eight-lane toll bridge between Runcorn and Widnes is also supported by Halton Conservative candidate, Ben Jones.
Warrington South's Liberal Democrat candidate Jo Crotty said the bridge should be free for all motorists.
Ms Crotty said: "I fully support the bridge project - as it completes the network of motorways and should hopefully reduce some of the congestion in Warrington and over the Silver Jubilee Bridge.
"However, I do not agree with the way Labour has decided to fund it - by use of a private finance initiative.
We need to charge some kind of fee to ensure we can pay for the bridge.
Derek Twigg incumbent MP for Halton
"If the government just funded it from taxpayers' money - like they have done for a bridge in Scotland - there would be no interest to pay back so the toll would not be necessary."
Ben Jones said without the tolls there would be no bridge.
"Since becoming the area's candidate in November 2008, I have strongly supported the idea of a new bridge that will bring thousands of new jobs and really boost our local economy.
"We need to charge some kind of toll otherwise the bridge will not be built. But I can say if the Tories get into power I will be campaigning for the best possible deal for local people."
Derek Twigg said: "We need to charge some kind of fee to ensure we can pay for the bridge.
"Once the plans have been passed the toll amount can be assessed and obviously we will be looking into ensuring discounts for local people and keep the price down."
The Mersey Gateway proposals are currently with the government for final approval. The bridge will be 1km (0.6 miles) long, crossing the River Mersey and nearby the canals. Construction could start by 2011.
The bridge will be 1km (0.6 miles) in length across the River Mersey
The transport secretary has confirmed the government will pass the Mersey Gateway project if Labour remains in power after the general election.
Lord Adonis detailed his approval in a letter to Labour candidate Derek Twigg.
The planned eight-lane toll bridge between Runcorn and Widnes is also supported by Halton Conservative candidate, Ben Jones.
Warrington South's Liberal Democrat candidate Jo Crotty said the bridge should be free for all motorists.
Ms Crotty said: "I fully support the bridge project - as it completes the network of motorways and should hopefully reduce some of the congestion in Warrington and over the Silver Jubilee Bridge.
"However, I do not agree with the way Labour has decided to fund it - by use of a private finance initiative.
We need to charge some kind of fee to ensure we can pay for the bridge.
Derek Twigg incumbent MP for Halton
"If the government just funded it from taxpayers' money - like they have done for a bridge in Scotland - there would be no interest to pay back so the toll would not be necessary."
Ben Jones said without the tolls there would be no bridge.
"Since becoming the area's candidate in November 2008, I have strongly supported the idea of a new bridge that will bring thousands of new jobs and really boost our local economy.
"We need to charge some kind of toll otherwise the bridge will not be built. But I can say if the Tories get into power I will be campaigning for the best possible deal for local people."
Derek Twigg said: "We need to charge some kind of fee to ensure we can pay for the bridge.
"Once the plans have been passed the toll amount can be assessed and obviously we will be looking into ensuring discounts for local people and keep the price down."
The Mersey Gateway proposals are currently with the government for final approval. The bridge will be 1km (0.6 miles) long, crossing the River Mersey and nearby the canals. Construction could start by 2011.
Friday, 16 April 2010
Backing the NHS in Halton
I was joined today in Halton by Shadow Health Minister, Stephen O'Brien. He is touring the North West showing our support for the NHS; our number one priority. Stephen and I spent time talking to local shoppers at the new Widnes Shopping Park (and enjoyed the glorious weather!), hearing their views and concerns about issues ranging from the NHS, the economy, and last night's TV debate.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Widnes and Runcorn Weekly News; Ben Jones on Mersey Gateway
THE Mersey Gateway Project will be given the go-ahead if a Labour Government is returned to power. In a letter to Halton’s Labour incumbent Derek Twigg, transport minister Lord Adonis says the party is ‘committed to taking the project forward’.
But the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats have hit out at the comments, with one would-be Halton MP calling the move a ‘pre-election giveaway’. Project chiefs on the proposed £431m second crossing, which has cross party support, had been waiting anxiously for a decision but hopes were dashed when a General Election was called last week.
The Government has now dissolved and no major policy decisions will be made until Parliament resumes on May 18.
But in a letter to Mr Twigg, Lord Adonis, said: “Further to your recent representations I can confirm that Labour is committed to taking forward the Mersey Gateway bridge, which offers considerable benefits for Merseyside and Cheshire.”
Derek Twigg said: “This is wonderful news for Halton and the North West of England. The Mersey Gateway will free up the road network and bring more jobs and investment to the area.
“It is vital for this area to elect a Labour Government to ensure this comes about.”
Conservative candidate for Halton Ben Jones said: “For the past 13 years Labour has ignored local transport needs across the country, including here in Halton. Nearly three years after Gordon Brown became Prime Minister, people will be sceptical about the timing of this announcement.
“They will be asking why it has taken the Labour Government until the eve of a General Election campaign to realise local transport infrastructure has been stuck in the slow lane.
“Labour need to be straight with people about how they are going to pay for their pre-election giveaways.”
“To now promise a positive decision after the election is held is another case of ‘jam tomorrow’ and the electorate won’t buy it.”
21 years.....
Today marks the 21st anniversary of the Hillsborough disaster; the darkest day in the history of Liverpool Football Club and British football in general.
I have written many times about the ongoing fight for justice which has received some encouragement in the last 12 months, not least due to the dedication of the families and many around them including my Labour opponent in Halton, Derek Twigg.
For me however, today is a day just to remember those who died, and those whose lives were changed forever when 96 football fans went to a match on a sunny day in Sheffield and did not return. We all have our own memories of that terrible day and those that followed. My Dad and I gave our tickets away for the match; upper tier, Leppins Lane. I listened on the radio in the garden at home, wearing my Liverpool kit, waiting to recreate the great moments from the match. Aged 11 you cannot really comprehend what has happened but as the years go on the magnitude of those events sink in and the hurt and sadness deepens. Like most people who had some involvement in Hillsborough, I think about it every day, but today more than ever I think of our 96 brothers and sisters we lost but will never forget.
I have written many times about the ongoing fight for justice which has received some encouragement in the last 12 months, not least due to the dedication of the families and many around them including my Labour opponent in Halton, Derek Twigg.
For me however, today is a day just to remember those who died, and those whose lives were changed forever when 96 football fans went to a match on a sunny day in Sheffield and did not return. We all have our own memories of that terrible day and those that followed. My Dad and I gave our tickets away for the match; upper tier, Leppins Lane. I listened on the radio in the garden at home, wearing my Liverpool kit, waiting to recreate the great moments from the match. Aged 11 you cannot really comprehend what has happened but as the years go on the magnitude of those events sink in and the hurt and sadness deepens. Like most people who had some involvement in Hillsborough, I think about it every day, but today more than ever I think of our 96 brothers and sisters we lost but will never forget.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Runcorn and Widnes World; Boost for Bridge plan
HOPES for a second crossing of the Mersey to link Widnes and Runcorn have been given a crucial boost this week according to Labour leaders.
But transport secretary Andrew Adonis’ public announcement of Government backing for the multi-million pound scheme has been dubbed ‘electioneering’ by the Conservatives.
In a letter to Labour candidate Derek Twigg, seen by the World, Lord Adonis says Labour is ‘committed’ to the Mersey Gateway scheme which could bring thousands of jobs to the area both in building a second bridge and in economic benefits aftewards.
Mr Twigg said: “This is wonderful news for Halton and the north west.
“The Mersey Gateway will free up the road network and bring more jobs and investment to the area.
“It is vital for this area to elect a Labour Government to ensure this comes about.”
Outgoing council leader Clr Tony McDermott termed the message an ‘important milestone’.
The Government is still to announced the results of a public inquiry held earlier this year.
But Steve Nicholson, project director for the Mersey Gateway, said work is still required.
He added: “It is important for all the any decision is supported by documentation that is beyond legal challenge and the time taken to ensure this is achieved is well spent.”
But Ben Jones, Conservative candidate for the Halton seat, said he was pleased with the announcement but that it amounted to little more than electioneering.
He added:”The Labour Government spent 13 years not investing in major transport projects “We hope this is a genuine commitment and it is a shame he (Lord Adonis) has not supported this plan in Parliament.
“It is blatant electioneering.”
He said the project was a vital one for the area and said the Conservatives would look to move it forward as soon as possible should they be elected.
But he said he could give no commitment without seeing the books.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Former Foreign Secretary lends a hand to the Halton campaign
The Former Foreign, Defence, Scottish and Transport Secretary, Sir Malcolm Rifkind MP, showed his support for my election campaign, by attending a Halton Conservatives fundraising event in London last night. I was very grateful that Malcolm made the time to join me; he has been a truly outstanding public servant for over 35 years and sets a magnificent example for those of us who aspire to enter Parliament and serve our country.
Friday, 9 April 2010
Widnes and Runcorn Weekly News; General election hopefuls go head-to-head for Halton seat
CONTENDERS from the three main parties go head-to-head for the Halton constituency in the General Election on May 6. They are:
Labour – Derek Twigg is Widnes born and bred, went to Halton College, was a civil servant for 19 years and succeeded Gordon Oakes as Halton MP in 1997. He has been under secretary of state in the separate departments of education, transport and defence. He has also been veterans minister.
Conservative – Ben Jones was born in Liverpool in 1978, has lived in Rainhill and St Helens and was state educated. He went on to study politics at Liverpool. He has strong links to the area having grown up nearby and having family living in neighbouring constituencies.
Liberal Democrats – Frank Harasiwka joined the Liberal Party in 1979. He has been an LEA governor at several schools and highlights economics, education, foreign affairs and constitutional reform as being his main areas of interest and expertise.
Widnes and Runcorn Weekly News; Halton Conservative candidate Ben Jones joins protest against labour National Insurance proposals
HALTON’S Tory General Election hopeful has joined his party’s protests against Labour’s National Insurance proposals.
Ben Jones said: “Labour Ministers confirmed in the recent Budget that Gordon Brown’s Government will be increasing National Insurance on both workers and local businesses.
“Under Labour’s tax-raising plans, anyone earning over £20,000 a year will see their pay packet shrink. Labour will also increase the tax that local firms pay for hiring workers who earn £5,700 a year or more. By contrast, a Conservative Government will stop the most damaging part of Labour’s tax on jobs by cutting Government waste while protecting frontline services.
“The cost of Labour’s tax rise on employers will be reduced by more than half. And anyone earning between £7,100 and £45,400 – seven out of 10 working people across the country – will be up to £150 a year better off than under Labour’s plans.”
He added: “At least 19,800 working people across Halton will be better off as a result. A typical nurse, teacher, firefighter or police officer would save £150 a year.
“People on lower incomes will benefit the most as a proportion of their incomes. And an estimated 6,400 jobs across the North West could be saved by making it less expensive for local firms to hire workers.”
He continued: “For the last 13 years, working people across Halton have seen their taxes put up and their money wasted by this Government.
“Now Gordon Brown is planning a tax on jobs that will hit anyone earning over £20,000a year and destroy 6,400 jobs across the North West by taxing local businesses more.
Labour will kill the recovery with their tax on jobs. Conservatives will cut Labour waste to stop it."
Thursday, 8 April 2010
First three days.....

After three days of this month-long election campaign, the choice facing the country is clear; five more years of Gordon Brown and his government’s waste, debt and failure, or David Cameron offering energy, change, and a fresh start.
It is clear from talking to voters in Halton and Weaver Vale this week, that many people are ready for that change.
It is also clear that politicians from all parties still have much work to do to regain the trust of the British people after the damage done to Parliament and politics in the last twelve months. There is still huge anger about the expenses crisis and great cynicism of politicians. I look forward to continuing my efforts to build trust with the people of Halton between now and polling day, and to present our plans to rebuild our broken politics to the people of Halton.
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
We're off and running, at last!

After nearly three years of dithering, the Prime Minister has at last called the General Election.
There is a huge choice in this election in Halton and across the country - one that affects the life of every man, woman and child. It is a choice between five more years of Gordon Brown’s tired government making things worse, or change with David Cameron and the Conservatives – who have the energy, leadership and values to get Britain moving again.
Friday, 2 April 2010
Business leaders back Conservative plans to stop Labour’s tax on working people
Conservative plans to stop Labour’s tax hike have been backed by the leaders of some of Britain’s largest companies. These include Sainsburys, Marks and Spencer and Next, which between them employ over half a million people including many in Halton.
This is the text of the letter published in yesterday’s Daily Telegraph:
“SIR – Between us we run some of Britain’s largest companies and employ over half a million people. We are responsible for ensuring that our businesses and our employees come through the recession in good shape.
“The Government’s proposal to increase national insurance, placing an additional tax on jobs, comes at exactly the wrong time in the economic cycle. In a personal capacity, we welcome George Osborne’s plan to stop the proposed increase in national insurance by cutting Government waste. In the last two years, businesses across the country have cut their costs without undermining the service they provide to their customers. It is time for the Government to do the same.
Few would argue that the state cannot improve. In the last few years, the private sector has improved its productivity by around 20 per cent, while productivity in the public sector has fallen by three per cent. Savings can be made by removing the blizzard of irrelevant objectives, restrictive working practices, arcane procurement rules and Whitehall interference. Mr Osborne’s announcement marks the beginning of this debate. As taxpayers we would welcome more efficiency in government.
“As businessmen we know that stopping the national insurance rise will protect jobs and support the recovery.
“Cutting government waste won’t endanger the recovery – but putting up national insurance will.”
This is the text of the letter published in yesterday’s Daily Telegraph:
“SIR – Between us we run some of Britain’s largest companies and employ over half a million people. We are responsible for ensuring that our businesses and our employees come through the recession in good shape.
“The Government’s proposal to increase national insurance, placing an additional tax on jobs, comes at exactly the wrong time in the economic cycle. In a personal capacity, we welcome George Osborne’s plan to stop the proposed increase in national insurance by cutting Government waste. In the last two years, businesses across the country have cut their costs without undermining the service they provide to their customers. It is time for the Government to do the same.
Few would argue that the state cannot improve. In the last few years, the private sector has improved its productivity by around 20 per cent, while productivity in the public sector has fallen by three per cent. Savings can be made by removing the blizzard of irrelevant objectives, restrictive working practices, arcane procurement rules and Whitehall interference. Mr Osborne’s announcement marks the beginning of this debate. As taxpayers we would welcome more efficiency in government.
“As businessmen we know that stopping the national insurance rise will protect jobs and support the recovery.
“Cutting government waste won’t endanger the recovery – but putting up national insurance will.”
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Widnes and Runcorn Weekly News; Halton Tory prospective parliamentary candidate Ben Jones criticises budget
The following story appears in this week's Widnes and Runcorn Weekly News;
A TORY hopeful claims big tax rises are hidden in the ‘small print’ of last week’s Budget.
Halton prospective parliamentary candidate Ben Jones criticised what he described as the lack of a credible plan to deal with public debt.
He claimed:
Income tax will increase by stealth for 30 million people.
National Insurance will be hiked for workers and for firms, meaning anyone earning £20,000 a year or more will be worse off.
Duties on alcohol will rise by above inflation and a new cider tax will punish responsible drinkers.
Halton council tax bills will hit £1,350 – a rise of 97% since 1997.
Inheritance tax will rise by stealth, due to the decision to freeze thresholds at £325,000 for four years.
Anyone with a fixed telephone line will have to pay a yearly tax.
Business rates will rise by £1bn for local businesses, meaning soaring bills for many struggling firms.
The Government’s total debt is forecast to hit £1.4trillion, equivalent to every person in Halton owing £23,000, resulting in higher interest rates and more expensive mortgages.
Mr Jones said: “Our economy is still in trouble. People worry about their jobs, families see their incomes squeezed, and many small firms cannot get the support they need from the banks even though the Government bailed those banks out.
“Most people across Halton feel worse off than they did five years ago and yet Gordon Brown is carrying on the same old policies of waste, stealth taxes and debt. A Conservative Government will set about balancing the books, while protecting those on modest incomes.”
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